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Amarah Merapi Tak Kunjung Padam - 64 Tewas Terpanggang
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Abu vulkanik dari gunung Merapi Yogyakarta membumbung setinggi lebih dari 10 kilometer diabadikan dalam sebuah penerbangan domestik dari Denpasar ke Yogyakarta yang dialihkan ke Surabaya, Jumat (5/11). Foto: Prima Clara/AFP
Saking dahsyatnya, sedikitnya 64 orang tewas terpanggang awan panas dan ratusan jiwa lainnya luka-luka tersapu wedhus gembel—sebutan lain awan panas, sebelum mereka menyelematkan diri.
Korban tewas tersebut baru yang tercatat di RS dr Sardjito Yogyakarta. Belum termasuk korban jiwa yang belum berhasil dievakuasi di sejumlah desa karena masih tertutup awan panas.
Tewasnya 64 orang ini menambah panjang daftar warga yang tewas akibat keganasan merapi menjadi 109 orang. “Iya, total korban meninggal 109 orang. 64 saat ledakan Jumat dini hari kemarin, selebihnya 45 pada ledakan pertama 26 Oktober lalu,” kata Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Penanganan Bencana dan Sosial, Andi Arief, kepada wartawan, kemarin.
Tragisnya, ke-64 orang tewas di itu satu daerah, yakni Argo Mulyo, Kecamatan Cangkringan yang berjarak sekitar 16 kilometer dari puncak Merapi. Total korban luka mencapai 78 orang, belum termasuk korban luka di Klaten, Jawa Tengah, sebanyak 13 orang.
”Semuanya mengalami luka serius. Rata-rata luka bakar mencapai 40 persen,” kata Kepala Humas RS Sardjito, Trisno Heru Nugroho. Menurut Heru, saat ini para korban luka masih menjalani perawatan.
Pusat Pengendalian Operasi Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (Pusdalops BNPB) melaporkan, korban tewas tersebut sudah termasuk warga Yogya dan Jawa Tengah. BNPB juga mengakui jumlah korban masih bisa bertambah karena belum semua wilayah berhasil disisir petugas.
Banyaknya korban tewas dan luka bakar karena awan panas meluncur sangat cepat sejauh lebih dari 20 kilometer. Awan ini langsung menyapu pemukiman di sepanjang sisi timur-barat Kaligendol.
Sekitar pukul 08.30 WIB, Jumat kemarin, JPNN bersama tim evakuasi mendatangi dusun tersebut. Ternyata, kondisinya jauh lebih parah. Desa yang terletak 10 meter sebelah barat Kali Gendol tersebut luluh lantak. Sekitar 15 rumah yang ada sudah berwarna abu-abu dalam kondisi yang tak utuh. Atap jebol, tembok roboh.
Korban tewas disapu awan panas Merapi yang meletus Jumat (5/11) dini hari kemarin berhasil dievakuasi oleh tim relawan. Foto: Arif Budiman/JPNN
“Tampaknya mereka hendak melarikan diri, tapi tak sempat,” kata seorang relawan yang mengevakuasi keduanya.
Tumpukan abu vulkanik di tempat itu tingginya mencapai setengah meter di atas permukaan tanah. Dan bila tidak berhati-hati, kaki bisa kejeblos di timbunan abu yang masih sangat panas.
Hanya hitungan menit di desa itu, tim evakuasi berhasil mengambil 15 jenazah. Namun, itu hanya sebahagian kecil saja. Masih banyak tulang-tulang dan jasad yang jika diangkat akan ter;pisah satu bagian dengan bagian tubuhnya yang sudah gosong itu.
Setelah sekitar dua jam melakukan evakuasi, semuanya diperintahkan turun kembali, setelah sirine tanda bahaya kembali meraung-raung memberi isyarat merapi akan meletus lagi. Semuanya langsung bergegas turun ke arah kota Yogyakarta. Di Gadingan, Cangkringan, tim dari Mer-C bahkan nyaris menjadi korban.
“Awan panas sudah tinggal beberapa meter di belakang kami, sebelum akhirnya kena angin dan berbelok arah,” kata Turwaji, pengemudi ambulans Mer-C.
Seismograf Rusak
Di bagian lain, meski telah meletus sangat besar, dan tercatat meletus empat kali dalam 10 hari terakhir, namun status Merapi masih awas. Ini karena masih terjadi aktivitas vulkanik yang cukup tinggi.
Kemarin pagi, Kabid Geologi Departemen ESDM Sukhyar mengatakan, letusan kali ini cukup hebat. “Paling dashyat sejak letusannya pada 1870,” katanya.
Sukhyar juga mengatakan, Merapi masih aktif, dan belum bisa diprediksi kapan berhenti menyemburkan awan panas dan material vulkanik lainnya.
Sementara itu, Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Jogjakarta, Subandriyo. “Awan panas yang terjadi mengalir ke Kali Gendol, Kali Krasak, Kali Boyong, dan Kali Bebeng. Merata ke semua arah,” paparnya. Namun, yang paling besar memang mengarah ke Kali Gendol.
Subandriyo mengungkapkan, hingga kemarin Merapi masih tetap beraktivitas. Dan BPPTK sulit melakukan pemantauan. Selain visual Merapi yang tiga hari terakhir tertutup kabut, tiga dari empat seismograf (alat pencatat gempa) BPPTK rusak.
“Hanya tinggal yang di Plawangan itu saja,” katanya. Tiga lainnya rusak pada tanggal 4 dan 5 November lalu, tepat menjelang letusan besar. “Sepertinya terkena awan panas,” ucapnya.
Rencananya, pihaknya akan memasang satu seismograf lagi di Jrakah untuk memantau kondisi Merapi. “Pemasangannya menunggu situasi Merapi sudah aman,” ujarnya.
Letusan Merapi yang terbesar ini juga memakan korban yang cukup banyak. Dari pantauan Jawa Pos hingga pukul 19.30 WIB, jumlah korban tewas sudah mencapai 80 orang.
Dari pantauan JPNN, setidaknya ada tiga dusun yang terkena awan panas paling parah. Yakni, dusun Bronggang Suruh, Ngadingan, dan Jambon. Ketiganya terletak di hulu Kali Gendol dan termasuk dalam desa Argo Mulyo.
Dari pantauan di handy talkie, masih ada sekitar 20 orang yang terjebak di dusun Jambon. Tak bisa keluar karena terkeliling abu panas, dan tim evakuasi pun juga tak bisa mengakses ke sana.
Labrakan awan panas sejauh hingga 15 km dan menghantam Argo Mulyo sangat mengejutkan. Karena letak desa ini jauh di belakang barak pengungsian besar di Hargobinangun, Wukirsari, Kepuharjo, dan Glagaharjo.
Untung saja, begitu aktivitas Merapi meningkat sejak pukul 16.00 WIB, Kamis (4/11) lalu, para pengungsi di tiga barak terbesar langsung dievakuasi ke barak UII.
Pemerintah daerah juga sudah membentuk dua tempat pengungsian. Yakni, pertama di Stadion Maguwaharjo, dan yang satu di Youth Centre. Di Youth Centre, total pengungsi hingga sore kemarin mencapai lebih dari 4.000 jiwa. Sementara itu, di stadion Maguwoharjo ada 36 ribu pengungsi.
Karena letusan yang terjadi pada dini hari kemarin, maka suasana ribut dan bingung terjadi. Karena para petugas harus mengevakuasi dan mengatur tempat, transportasi, dan akomodasi untuk sekitar 40 ribu orang.
“Kami sudah berusaha sekuat tenaga, dan sudah dikelompokkan sesuai kelompok desanya masing-masing,” kata Gubernur DIJ Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.
Terpisah dari Orangtua
Meski sudah berusaha diatur, namun sejumlah kebingungan terjadi. Pardi, misalnya. Warga Wukisari tersebut terpisah dengan istri dan dua anaknya.
“Tadi karena terburu-buru naik truk yang berbeda. Jadi ini saya masih mencari, red),” kata pria paro baya tersebut.
Terpisah dengan keluarga, terpisah dengan rombongannya membuat suasana di stadion Maguwoharjo menjadi hiruk pikuk. Tak terhitung berapa kali petugas mengumumkan melalui megaphone nama-nama yang ada, dan kini dicari siapa.
Yang paling parah adalah proses evakuasi. Selain malam, hujan pasir vulkanis yang menimpa seantero Yogyakarta membuat jarak pandang tak lebih dari lima meter. Sekitar 30 orang yang kemarin masuk ke Instalasi Rawat Darurat RSUD dr. Sardjito diakibatkan karena kecelakaan.
Lahar Dingin Mengancam, Penerbangan Dibatalkan
Di bagian lain, satu ancaman lagi masih patut diperhatikan. Yakni, turunnya lahar dingin. Kemarin, lahar dingin sudah mencapai Kali Code, yang berada di kota DIJ.
Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Kepala BPPTK, Subandriyo. “Memang sudah masuk Kali Code, tapi kuantitasnya masih belum terlalu membahayakan,” tuturnya.
Selain itu, meletusnya Merapi kembali membuat pihak Bandara Adisutjipto membatalkan semua penerbangan. Per harinya, di bandara itu tercatat ada 30 kali penerbangan. Tak ayal, pembatalan ini membuat ratusan penumpang yang terlantar di Bandara.
Pihak maskapai penerbangan kemudian memilih cara masing-masing. Pihak Lion Air memilih untuk melakukan refund, sementara pihak Mandala memberikan fasilitas penggantian waktu penerbangan hingga tiga bulan ke depan.
MBLAQ’s Lee Joon is suffering from insomnia and bipolar disorder
MBLAQ’s Lee Joon showed up for an interview with Newsen having only slept for 40 minutes out of the entire day. When told that he looked tired, he nonchalantly replied, “It’s fine, I’m used to such a lifestyle.”
Is there any other idol as busy as he is? Busily preparing for MBLAQ’s new album, filming for KBS 2TV’s “Jungle Fish 2,” working on variety programs – it seems like even 10 bodies won’t be enough to complete Lee Joon’s hectic schedule.
Lee Joon previously showed glimpses of his fatigue while appearing on an Mnet program and dozed off while on the show. Viewers began wondering whether he wasn’t putting in enough effort into the show, and said it was right for him to have lost his admission to Seoul University.
Regarding this issue, Lee Joon stated that he felt regretful, but he had a reason. He clarified, “I had no time to rest during that period. I knew that I had to study, but I couldn’t. I have a severe bipolar disorder, and people only saw what was broadcasted on TV. They don’t see the effort behind the screen, such as the late-night rehearsals. No matter how hard I tried, my body just couldn’t keep up with me, so it was very upsetting.”
According to Lee Joon, he has been suffering from bipolar disorder, and recently, has developed insomnia. Despite the physical and mental stress, Lee Joon continues to work hard in improving himself and achieving satisfaction in his work.
“Acting is so fun. I have to work harder on it, but it’s hard to pay too much attention to it when I also have album promotions to do. While on break from the drama, I’d go film for a variety program, and then record for MBLAQ’s album during the 30-minute breaks. I wanted to do at least one thing properly, but I was never satisfied with what I put out.”
Despite having to work under such harsh conditions, Lee Joon stated that he was doing the best he could, and as joyfully as he could. “I’ve suffered from insomnia before my debut. It was fixed for a bit due to the fatigue after our debut, but it has come back recently. I haven’t slept for two days today and went for my script reading. It’s fun, so it’s all right. I don’t think I’ll be appearing on variety programs as often. I’ll be working hard on my drama and making sure our new album is of high quality.”
source: allkpop
Is there any other idol as busy as he is? Busily preparing for MBLAQ’s new album, filming for KBS 2TV’s “Jungle Fish 2,” working on variety programs – it seems like even 10 bodies won’t be enough to complete Lee Joon’s hectic schedule.
Lee Joon previously showed glimpses of his fatigue while appearing on an Mnet program and dozed off while on the show. Viewers began wondering whether he wasn’t putting in enough effort into the show, and said it was right for him to have lost his admission to Seoul University.
Regarding this issue, Lee Joon stated that he felt regretful, but he had a reason. He clarified, “I had no time to rest during that period. I knew that I had to study, but I couldn’t. I have a severe bipolar disorder, and people only saw what was broadcasted on TV. They don’t see the effort behind the screen, such as the late-night rehearsals. No matter how hard I tried, my body just couldn’t keep up with me, so it was very upsetting.”
According to Lee Joon, he has been suffering from bipolar disorder, and recently, has developed insomnia. Despite the physical and mental stress, Lee Joon continues to work hard in improving himself and achieving satisfaction in his work.
“Acting is so fun. I have to work harder on it, but it’s hard to pay too much attention to it when I also have album promotions to do. While on break from the drama, I’d go film for a variety program, and then record for MBLAQ’s album during the 30-minute breaks. I wanted to do at least one thing properly, but I was never satisfied with what I put out.”
Despite having to work under such harsh conditions, Lee Joon stated that he was doing the best he could, and as joyfully as he could. “I’ve suffered from insomnia before my debut. It was fixed for a bit due to the fatigue after our debut, but it has come back recently. I haven’t slept for two days today and went for my script reading. It’s fun, so it’s all right. I don’t think I’ll be appearing on variety programs as often. I’ll be working hard on my drama and making sure our new album is of high quality.”
source: allkpop
Korean News
[UPDATE: Details Added] JYJ’s Hawaii concert cancelled “due to production issues”
With JYJ’s worldwide showcase tour well underway, it has been reported that JYJ’s stop in Hawaii has unfortunately been cancelled.
According to the official homepage of Entitled Entertainment, JYJ posted an official statement regarding this matter, as they said:
Update: With regards to this matter, a representative of JYJ explained to Star News, “It was due to some visa problems and Micky Yoochun’s fatigue.”
Because the members have not yet completed their army services, they must receive visas every time they perform in America, but unfortunately could not receive their visa to Hawaii in time for their concert.
Additionally, JYJ’s agency stated that Micky Yoochun has not been in good health due to his tight schedule of having to simultaneously film for “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” and perform at their showcase in China. JYJ’s representative revealed, “JYJ is scheduled to have a momentary break after their Shanghai showcase on November 6th.”
Source: Star News

It’s worth noting that prior to cancelling the concert in Hawaii, JYJ had actually moved the venue from the Blaisdell Arena to the Concert Hall. The biggest difference between the two venues is that the Arena has a capacity is 8,800 in concert setups, while the Concert Hall maxes out at 2,158. At the time of the change of venues, this is the reason they gave:
According to the official homepage of Entitled Entertainment, JYJ posted an official statement regarding this matter, as they said:
Dear Cherished Cassies,
We regret to inform you that the Hawaii show has been cancelled due to production issues. We are very sorry to our Hawaii fans and are very discouraged, but are trying to stay strong. Our production friends in Hawaii did the best they can to put on the show and did not want to disappoint the fans.
For those of you that have already purchased tickets for the Hawaii shows, you can contact Ticketmaster directly for a full refund at ticketmaster.com.
Amidst all this, we are happy to say that Entitled Entertainment – the management team handling the NY, LA, LV shows – are certain to put on an amazing experience for the JYJ fans.
Thanks for being the best fans in the world and keeping the faith alive.
-Team JYJStay tuned to allkpop for more news on JYJ’s US tour.
Update: With regards to this matter, a representative of JYJ explained to Star News, “It was due to some visa problems and Micky Yoochun’s fatigue.”
Because the members have not yet completed their army services, they must receive visas every time they perform in America, but unfortunately could not receive their visa to Hawaii in time for their concert.
Additionally, JYJ’s agency stated that Micky Yoochun has not been in good health due to his tight schedule of having to simultaneously film for “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” and perform at their showcase in China. JYJ’s representative revealed, “JYJ is scheduled to have a momentary break after their Shanghai showcase on November 6th.”
Source: Star News
It’s worth noting that prior to cancelling the concert in Hawaii, JYJ had actually moved the venue from the Blaisdell Arena to the Concert Hall. The biggest difference between the two venues is that the Arena has a capacity is 8,800 in concert setups, while the Concert Hall maxes out at 2,158. At the time of the change of venues, this is the reason they gave:
Korean News
Why Big Bang are legitimate artists and not just another Hallyu act
Male group Big Bang has successfully differentiated themselves from many Korean artists debuting in Japan by relying on their raw talents alone. Consequently, many believe that the group is leading the new wave of male Hallyu stars because they have firmly established themselves as legitimate artists in Japan.
The group performed at the “Seoul Tokyo Music Festival” on November 3rd, held at the Saitama Super Arena. The festival was created to celebrate SBS’s 20th anniversary, and was a collaboration effort with Japan’s TBS.
Over 16,000 fans in their teens and 20’s gathered to see the performances by Korean artists, but Big Bang’s stage managed to garner the hottest response.
A representative of the festival verified Big Bang’s popularity by stating, “The ‘Seoul Tokyo Music Festival’ was very much like a personal ‘Big Bang Concert.‘” While other artists performed 2-3 tracks at most, Big Bang sang a total of five.
Their success can be seen in other areas as well.
Their ‘Big Show Big Bang Live Concert 2010‘ DVD sold 15,000 copies in the first week of its release, and ranked first in the weekly charts for music DVDs. Its predecessor, the ‘2009 Big Bang Live Concert Big Show‘ DVD, also achieved similar results. Additionally, the group’s first official photo book, ‘Big Bang Presents Electric Love Tour 2010,’ locked down a #1 position on Oricon’s photo book ranking.
When we consider their musical achievements, Big Bang’s debut single last year ranked third place on the ‘Oricon Daily Chart’, while their latest Japanese single, “Beautiful Hangover“, ranked at fifth place on the day of its release. Indeed, all of Big Bang’s Japanese releases landed in the ‘top five’ category.
Big Bang never received a rookie award in Korea, but received one in Japan on May 29th at Tokyo’s “MTV World Stage Video Music Awards Japan,” winning a total of three crowns.
A representative of their Japanese marketing team commented, “Big Bang have been promoting themselves not as Hallyu stars, but as artists. Their strength comes from their high quality, highly talented performances. They’ve never lived in Japan but consistently promoted for at least a week for each of their album releases. The response from their Japanese fans are so amazing, that even we’re surprised.”
Big Bang will be returning to Korea with their participation in “2010 YG Family Concert” on December 4th and 5th.
source: allkpop
Korean News
Super Junior’s Heechul, Lee Teuk, Dong Hae visit Hyun Seung Min’s restaurant
Super Junior’s Heechul, Lee Teuk, and Dong Hae recently stopped by singer Hyun Seung Min’s new restaurant in order to celebrate its opening.
On November 5th, Heechul tweeted, “‘H‘ (also known as Hyun Seung Min),’ the singer behind ‘Did You Forget‘, with his new store, ‘Stomach Bursting Fried Chicken.’ Together: Lee Teuk, Dong Hae, me, and Hyun Seung Min hyung!! Chicken chicken~ Soy sauce chicken felt good keke. Shall we go, go, go for soy sauce fried chicken?”
Netizens that viewed the picture commented, “Ah! This person! I know him! H! Eat well~” and “This is my first time hearing of soy sauce chicken! I want to try it! Chicken and beer is the best, where is that store?”
source: allkpop
On November 5th, Heechul tweeted, “‘H‘ (also known as Hyun Seung Min),’ the singer behind ‘Did You Forget‘, with his new store, ‘Stomach Bursting Fried Chicken.’ Together: Lee Teuk, Dong Hae, me, and Hyun Seung Min hyung!! Chicken chicken~ Soy sauce chicken felt good keke. Shall we go, go, go for soy sauce fried chicken?”
Netizens that viewed the picture commented, “Ah! This person! I know him! H! Eat well~” and “This is my first time hearing of soy sauce chicken! I want to try it! Chicken and beer is the best, where is that store?”
source: allkpop
Korean News
2NE1 delays their debut Japanese release
Girl group sensation, 2NE1, amped up their Japanese fans with their plans to enter the Japanese music market. After announcing that they were signing under Avex Entertainment, fans waited patiently for further updates.
Unfortunately, Avex recently posted a notice on 2NE1’s official homepage, and said the following:
“We have an announcement about 2NE1’s Japanese release.–
First of all, we received an overwhelming response after announcing 2NE1’s Japanese debut with us, so we would like to thank you for that.
YG Entertainment Japan and Avex Entertainment have decided to delay the release of 2NE1’s Japanese album, originally scheduled for December 8th, in order to meet the high expectations.
To be more specific, we wanted to make sure the content was absolutely satisfactory for their debut in Japan.
It will make the fans wait a little longer, but the company asks for the fans’ understanding, patience, and continued support as they prepare 2NE1’s Japanese debut to meet everyones’ anticipations and expectations.“
Avex also advised fans to disregard any declarations made by “outside sites” about the album being “cancelled”.
Could the girls be planning a completely new tracklist for their Japanese album? Or are they simply perfecting their Japanese interpretations for their previously-released tracks? Either way, we know that with the delay, the anticipation has just increased tenfold!
source : allkpop
Korean News
Review Phone - HTC Wildfire
Thursday, November 4, 2010
At a glance
- 4.16 ounces (118 grams) with battery
- Type: Capacitive touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
- Resolution: 240 x 320 QVGA
Screen size: 81.2mm (3.2")
Detailed specifications
CPU Processing Speed
528 MHzStorage
ROM: 512 MBRAM: 384 MB
Expansion slot:
- microSD™ memory card (SD 2.0 compatible)
- Supports up to 32 GB
- 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
- Standard micro-USB (5-pin micro-USB 2.0)
- G-Sensor
- Digital compass
- Proximity sensor
- Ambient light sensor
HTC Widgets
- Bookmarks, Calculator, Calendar, Clock, FM Radio, Friend Stream, Mail, Messages, Music, News, People, Stocks, Weather, Settings (such as Profile, Ringtone, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth®), and more
- Downloadable widgets
- Photos application for viewing photos and videos
- Music
- FM Radio
Audio supported formats:
- Playback:.aac, .amr, .ogg, .m4a, .mid, mp3, .wav, .wma
- Recording:.amr
Video supported formats:
- Playback:.3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .wmv
- Recording:.3gp
Power & Battery1
Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion batteryCapacity: 1300 mAh
Talk time:
- WCDMA: Up to 440 mins
- GSM: Up to 490 mins
Standby time2:
- WCDMA: Up to 690 hours
- GSM: Up to 480 hours
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Asia Pacific:
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Android™ 2.1 (Éclair) with HTC Sense™Camera
- 5 megapixel color camera
- Auto focus and flash
- Geotagging
- Up to 7.2 Mbps download speed
- Up to 384 kbps upload speed
- Up to 114 kbps downloading
- Up to 560 kbps downloading
- IEEE 802.11 b/g
- Bluetooth® 2.1 with Enhanced Data Rate
- A2DP for wireless stereo headsets
- FTP and OPP (object push) for file transfer
- Other supported profiles: AVRCP, GAP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, PBAP, SPP, Service Discovery Application Profile
Social Networking
- Facebook© for HTC Sense
- Friend Stream
- Photo sharing on Facebook©, Flickr®, and Twitter™
- Video sharing on YouTube™
- HTC Peep for twittering
Recommended Windows System Requirements
- Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, or Windows XP
- HTC Sync Suite
Special Features
- HTC Caller ID that shows the caller's Facebook© status and a birthday reminder
- App Sharing that lets you recommend apps straight from your phone
- Adobe® Flash® support on the web browser
- In-built, dimmable flashlight
- Ringer that automatically lowers the ring volume when you lift up the phone or mutes when you flip the phone face down
- Internal GPS antenna
- Google Maps™
- HTC Footprints™
- Internet sharing through USB
- Battery times (talk time, standby time, and more) are subject to network and phone usage.
- A Standby time specification ("specification") is an industry standard that is only intended to allow comparison of different mobile phones under the same circumstances. Power consumption in a standby state is strongly dependent on factors including but not limited to network, settings, location, movement, signal strength and cell traffic . Comparisons of different mobile phones using such a specification can therefore only be done in a controlled laboratory environment . When using any mobile phone in real life circumstances for which the mobile phone is intended, the standby time could be considerably lower and will be strongly dependent on the factors as mentioned above.
- Network bands in regions other than Europe and Asia Pacific may be different, depending on the mobile operator and your location.
Please check with your mobile operator. - Actual data speed is dependent on the network or Wi-Fi™ signal strength.
Review Phone - HTC Aria
At a glance
- 115 grams (4.06 ounces) with battery
- Type: Touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
- Size: 3.2 inches
- Resolution: 320 X 480
Screen size: 81.2mm (3.2")
Detailed specifications
CPU Processing Speed
600 MHzStorage
ROM: 512 MBRAM: 384 MB
Expansion slot:
- microSD™ memory card (SD 2.0 compatible)
- Supports up to 32 GB
- 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
- Standard micro-USB (5-pin micro-USB 2.0)
- G-Sensor
- Digital compass
- Proximity sensor
- Ambient light sensor
HTC Widgets
- Bookmarks, Calendar, Clock, Footprints, Friend Stream, Mail, Messages, Music, News, People, Photo Album, Photo Frame, Search, Settings, Stocks, Twitter, Weather
- Downloadable widgets
- Photos application for viewing and sharing photos and videos
- Music
- FM Radio
Audio supported formats:
- Playback:.aac, .amr, .ogg, .m4a, .mid, .mp3, .wav, .wma (Windows Media Audio 9)
- Recording:.amr
Video supported formats:
- Playback:.3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .wmv (Windows Media Video 9)
- Recording:.3gp
Power & Battery1
Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion batteryCapacity: 1200 mAh
Talk time:
- WCDMA: Up to 350 mins
- GSM: Up to 420 mins
Standby time2:
- WCDMA: Up to 400 hours
- GSM: Up to 360 hours
Asia Pacific:
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Android™ 2.1 (Éclair) with HTC Sense™Camera
- 5.0 megapixel color camera
- Auto focus
- Widescreen photo capture
- Geotagging
- Up to 7.2 Mbps download speed
- Up to 2 Mbps upload speed
- Up to 114 kbps downloading
- Up to 560 kbps downloading
- IEEE 802.11 b/g
- Bluetooth® 2.1 with Enhanced Data Rate
- A2DP for wireless stereo headsets
- FTP and OPP (object push) for file transfer
- Other supported profiles: AVRCP, GAP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, PBAP, SPP, Service Discovery Application Profile
Social Networking
- Facebook© integration
- Friend Stream
- Photo sharing on Facebook©, Flickr®, and Twitter™
- Video sharing on YouTube™
- HTC Peep for twittering
Recommended Windows System Requirements
- Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, or Windows® XP
- HTC Sync
Special Features
- Automatically lowers the ringer volume as soon as the phone is picked up
- Mutes the ringer when the phone is flipped face down
- Internal GPS antenna
- Google Maps™
- HTC Footprints™
- Internet sharing through USB
- Battery times (talk time, standby time, and more) are subject to network and phone usage.
- A Standby time specification ("specification") is an industry standard that is only intended to allow comparison of different mobile phones under the same circumstances. Power consumption in a standby state is strongly dependent on factors including but not limited to network, settings, location, movement, signal strength and cell traffic . Comparisons of different mobile phones using such a specification can therefore only be done in a controlled laboratory environment . When using any mobile phone in real life circumstances for which the mobile phone is intended, the standby time could be considerably lower and will be strongly dependent on the factors as mentioned above.
- Network bands in regions other than Europe and Asia Pacific may be different, depending on the mobile operator and your location.
Please check with your mobile operator. - Actual data speed is dependent on the network or Wi-Fi signal strength.
Review Phone - HTC Desire HD
At a glance
- 164 grams (5.78 ounces) with battery
- Type: Touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
- Size: 4.3 inches
- Resolution: 480 x 800 WVGA
Screen size: 109 mm (4.3")
Detailed specifications
CPU Processing Speed
1 GHzStorage1
Internal phone storage: 1.5 GBRAM: 768 MB
Expansion slot:
- microSD™ memory card (SD 2.0 compatible)
- 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
- Standard micro-USB (5-pin micro-USB 2.0)
- G-Sensor
- Digital compass
- Proximity sensor
- Ambient light sensor
HTC Widgets
- Bookmarks, Calculator, Calendar, Clock, FM Radio, Friend Stream, HTC Likes, Mail, Messages, Music, My shelf, Navigate, News, People, Search Anywhere, Settings, Stocks, Twitter™, Weather, and more
- Downloadable widgets
- Gallery, Music, and FM Radio
- Dolby® Mobile and SRS virtual surround sound
- Share videos, photos, or music from your phone to your TV via DLNA®
Audio supported formats:
- Playback:.aac, .amr, .ogg, .m4a, .mid, .mp3, .wav, .wma (Windows Media Audio 9)
- Recording:.amr
Video supported formats:
- Playback:.3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .wmv (Windows Media Video 9), .avi (MP4 ASP and MP3), .xvid (MP4 ASP and MP3)
- Recording:.3gp
Power & Battery2
Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion batteryCapacity: 1230 mAh
Talk time:
- WCDMA: Up to 320 mins
- GSM: Up to 550 mins
Standby time3:
- WCDMA: Up to 490 hours
- GSM: Up to 420 hours
Network 4
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Asia Pacific:
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Android™ 2.2 (Froyo) with HTC Sense™Camera
- 8 megapixel color camera
- Auto focus and dual LED flash
- 720p HD video recording
- Face detection capability
- Built-in effects include depth of field, vignette, and more
- Geotagging
- Up to 14.4 Mbps download speed
- Up to 5.76 Mbps upload speed
- Up to 114 kbps downloading
- Up to 560 kbps downloading
- IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth® 2.1 with Enhanced Data Rate
- A2DP for wireless stereo headsets
- FTP and OPP (object push) for file transfer
- Other supported profiles: AVRCP, GAP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, PBAP, SPP, Service Discovery Application Profile
Social Networking
- Facebook® and Twitter™ for HTC Sense
- Friend Stream
- Share photos/videos on Facebook®, Flickr®, Twitter™, or YouTube™
- HTC Peep for tweeting
- Internal GPS antenna
- With Locations, explore maps with zero wait, zero dead spots, and zero data roaming fees
- USB and Wi-Fi® tethering
Special Features
- Register at HTCSense.com to manage your phone remotely and protect your phone in case of loss
- Read eBooks on your phone
- Watch Adobe® Flash® on websites
- Easily transfer contacts, calendar events, and text messages from popular brand phones via Bluetooth
- Check email from all your email accounts in one unified inbox
Recommended Windows System Requirements
- Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, or Windows® XP
- HTC Sync
- The actual available internal phone storage may differ depending on the software configuration of your phone.
- Battery times (talk time, standby time, and more) are subject to network and phone usage.
- A Standby time specification ("specification") is an industry standard that is only intended to allow comparison of different mobile phones under the same circumstances. Power consumption in a standby state is strongly dependent on factors including but not limited to network, settings, location, movement, signal strength and cell traffic . Comparisons of different mobile phones using such a specification can therefore only be done in a controlled laboratory environment. When using any mobile phone in real life circumstances for which the mobile phone is intended, the standby time could be considerably lower and will be strongly dependent on the factors as mentioned above.
- Network bands in regions other than Europe and Asia Pacific may be different, depending on the mobile operator and your location. Please check with your mobile operator.
- Actual data speed is dependent on the network or Wi-Fi® signal strength.
Review Phone - HTC Desire Z
At a glance
- 180 grams (6.35 ounces) with battery
- Slideout keyboard
- Type: Touch screen with pinch-to-zoom capability
- Size: 3.7 inches
- Resolution: 480 x 800 WVGA
Screen size: 94 mm (3.7")
Detailed specifications
CPU Processing Speed
800 MHzStorage1
Internal phone storage: 1.5 GBRAM: 512 MB
Expansion slot:
- microSD™ memory card (SD 2.0 compatible)
- 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
- Standard micro-USB (5-pin micro-USB 2.0)
- G-Sensor
- Digital compass
- Proximity sensor
- Ambient light sensor
HTC Widgets
- Bookmarks, Calculator, Calendar, Clock, FM Radio, Friend Stream, HTC Likes, Mail, Messages, Music, Navigate, News, People, Search Anywhere, Settings, Stocks, Twitter™, Weather, and more
- Downloadable widgets
- Gallery, Music, and FM Radio
- Share videos, photos, or music from your phone to your TV via DLNA®
Audio supported formats:
- Playback:.aac, .amr, .ogg, .m4a, .mid, .mp3, .wav, .wma (Windows Media Audio 9)
- Recording:.amr
Video supported formats:
- Playback:.3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .wmv (Windows Media Video 9)
- Recording:.3gp
Power & Battery2
Battery type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion batteryCapacity: 1300 mAh
Talk time:
- WCDMA: Up to 400 mins
- GSM: Up to 590 mins
Standby time3:
- WCDMA: Up to 430 hours
- GSM: Up to 430 hours
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Asia Pacific:
- HSPA/WCDMA: 900/2100 MHz
- GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Android™ 2.2 (Froyo) with HTC Sense™Camera
- 5 megapixel color camera
- Auto focus and flash
- 720p HD video recording
- Face detection capability
- Built-in effects include depth of field, vignette, and more
- Geotagging
- Up to 14.4 Mbps download speed
- Up to 5.76 Mbps upload speed
- Up to 114 kbps downloading
- Up to 560 kbps downloading
- IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth® 2.1 with Enhanced Data Rate
- A2DP for wireless stereo headsets
- FTP and OPP (object push) for file transfer
- Other supported profiles: AVRCP, GAP, GOEP, HFP, HSP, PBAP, SPP, Service Discovery Application Profile
Social Networking
- Facebook® and Twitter™ for HTC Sense
- Friend Stream
- Share photos/videos on Facebook®, Flickr®, Twitter™, or YouTube™
- HTC Peep for tweeting
- Internal GPS antenna
- With Locations, explore maps with zero wait, zero dead spots, and zero data roaming fees
- USB and Wi-Fi® tethering
Special Features
- Register at HTCSense.com to manage your phone remotely and protect your phone in case of loss
- Check email from all your email accounts in one unified inbox
- Watch Adobe® Flash® on websites
- Easily transfer contacts, calendar events, and text messages from popular brand phones via Bluetooth
Recommended Windows System Requirements
- Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, or Windows® XP
- HTC Sync
- The actual available internal phone storage may differ depending on the software configuration of your phone.
- Battery times (talk time, standby time, and more) are subject to network and phone usage.
- A Standby time specification ("specification") is an industry standard that is only intended to allow comparison of different mobile phones under the same circumstances. Power consumption in a standby state is strongly dependent on factors including but not limited to network, settings, location, movement, signal strength and cell traffic . Comparisons of different mobile phones using such a specification can therefore only be done in a controlled laboratory environment. When using any mobile phone in real life circumstances for which the mobile phone is intended, the standby time could be considerably lower and will be strongly dependent on the factors as mentioned above.
- Network bands in regions other than Europe and Asia Pacific may be different, depending on the mobile operator and your location. Please check with your mobile operator.
- Actual data speed is dependent on the network or Wi-Fi® signal strength.
Pain From Change of Medicine - Selina Not Able to Complain
Artists Selina suffered from 3rd degree burns due to an accident from explosion during filming, since the incident it’s already been 13 days. Each day Selina is fighting with pain from the burns over 50% of her body, her parents also feel bad following with her pains. Ren Ba says, it’s a nightmare during her change of medicine, causing Selina to be so weak to be nearly speechless.
It’s been 13 days since Selina was burnt, up until today the filming crew has still yet to give an explanation, it has been announced by the director Chen Ming Zhang that the filming crew has been temporarily disbanded, HIM yesterday requested justice for Selina, this week they have sent out a request to the filming crew for the investigation report within this week, to clarify the cause of incident’s reason and accountability.
Selina’s encouragement (Jia You) site established by HIM has received large numbers of fans daily to pray for her, everyone is concerned about the progress of her recovery. Ren Ba also discloses Selina’s situation from time to time on the blog; thanking everyone that cares for her on her behalf.
Ren Ba yesterday evening again posted on the blog, “Change of medicine is a nightmare for Xuan Xuan (Selina), and severe pain causes her to become weak and nearly speechless.” Ren Ba encouraged her to breathe deeply to release stress, and to think of everyone’s blessing as power, to touch the angels and have them by her side blessing her.
When Selina is weak, Ren Ma will feed her spoonful after spoonful, and even laughed it is as if returning to 20 years ago when Selina was young, except the mouthful of food, restless little Xuan Xuan, is now replaced with a quiet and well mannered Selina.
It’s been 13 days since Selina was burnt, up until today the filming crew has still yet to give an explanation, it has been announced by the director Chen Ming Zhang that the filming crew has been temporarily disbanded, HIM yesterday requested justice for Selina, this week they have sent out a request to the filming crew for the investigation report within this week, to clarify the cause of incident’s reason and accountability.
Selina’s encouragement (Jia You) site established by HIM has received large numbers of fans daily to pray for her, everyone is concerned about the progress of her recovery. Ren Ba also discloses Selina’s situation from time to time on the blog; thanking everyone that cares for her on her behalf.
Ren Ba yesterday evening again posted on the blog, “Change of medicine is a nightmare for Xuan Xuan (Selina), and severe pain causes her to become weak and nearly speechless.” Ren Ba encouraged her to breathe deeply to release stress, and to think of everyone’s blessing as power, to touch the angels and have them by her side blessing her.
When Selina is weak, Ren Ma will feed her spoonful after spoonful, and even laughed it is as if returning to 20 years ago when Selina was young, except the mouthful of food, restless little Xuan Xuan, is now replaced with a quiet and well mannered Selina.
Bom and Dara 2ne1 on strong Heart Link
dabomsh ep2 [1/2]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TEOoV1n0ccdabomsh ep2 [2/2]
Me2day 2ne1 update
DARA'S ME2DAY[11.04.10]
ORIGINAL : 와쌉?!? ^.^ 우린 지금 공연장! 방금 리허설을 마치고 본무대까지 시간이 좀 남네요~! 어제 하라주쿠 구경 갔었는데 길거리에서 꽤 많은분들이 알아봐주시고 오늘 공연 보러 오겠다고했는데 신기했오요!ㅋ 오늘 멋진 모습으로 공연할게용! 홧팅홧팅 야야야!^_^
ENGLISH : Wassup?!? ^.^ We’re at the performance venue! Just finished two rehearsals. We have a bit of time left spare~! Quite a lot of people recognised us as we toured Harajuku yesterday. They said they’d come and see our performance today, which was amazing!ㅋ We’ll put on a god performance today! Hwaiting hwaiting, yahyahyah!^_^
source : Dara’s Me2day
ORIGINAL : 와쌉?!? ^.^ 우린 지금 공연장! 방금 리허설을 마치고 본무대까지 시간이 좀 남네요~! 어제 하라주쿠 구경 갔었는데 길거리에서 꽤 많은분들이 알아봐주시고 오늘 공연 보러 오겠다고했는데 신기했오요!ㅋ 오늘 멋진 모습으로 공연할게용! 홧팅홧팅 야야야!^_^
ENGLISH : Wassup?!? ^.^ We’re at the performance venue! Just finished two rehearsals. We have a bit of time left spare~! Quite a lot of people recognised us as we toured Harajuku yesterday. They said they’d come and see our performance today, which was amazing!ㅋ We’ll put on a god performance today! Hwaiting hwaiting, yahyahyah!^_^
source : Dara’s Me2day
Korean News
Big Bang, 2NE1, KARA, 4minute, Brown Eyed Girls and more gather for SEOUL TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL 2010
Top Korean groups Big Bang, KARA, 4minute, 2NE1, FTIsland, CNBlue, Brown Eyed Girls, U-KISS, Rainbow, and Teen Top gathered in Japan to perform for the “Seoul Tokyo Music Festival 2010.”
The event was held earlier today at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan. This event was a collaboration between Korean broadcasting channel SBS and Japanese broadcasting channel TBS in celebration of SBS’s 20th anniversary. The performances from this event will air on SBS on November 12th as a special episode, along with a 3-D production of the concert. TBS will air this concert at a later date in December.
SS501’s very own Park Jung Min was the MC for the event and reports state that the event was a major success. Check out some of the photos from the press conference below.
The event was held earlier today at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan. This event was a collaboration between Korean broadcasting channel SBS and Japanese broadcasting channel TBS in celebration of SBS’s 20th anniversary. The performances from this event will air on SBS on November 12th as a special episode, along with a 3-D production of the concert. TBS will air this concert at a later date in December.
SS501’s very own Park Jung Min was the MC for the event and reports state that the event was a major success. Check out some of the photos from the press conference below.
source: allkpop
Korean News
Hebe Tien won award but held back tears for Selina
It was a particularly emotional night for Hebe Tien, one-third of Taiwanese Mandopop girl group, S.H.E, as she holds back tears and worries over Selina’s health condition.
Dressed in a simple black dress adorned with tassels, the 27-year-old artiste who recently released her solo debut album declared that she felt “very honoured to be a member of S.H.E” onstage at the 16th Singapore Hit Awards 2010.
Thanking everyone for the support when she received S.H.E’s Most Popular Group award, she reminisced about their early days and the hardships they underwent together. Tears started to form in her eyes at the mention of Selina, who was involved in a filming accident eight days ago.
“We have encountered hardships but we have walked through them, especially during this critical period. Selina, my fellow sister is now in the hospital. People grow from adversity and we will definitely walk through this.”
Choked with emotion and tears, Hebe mentioned that Selina has lost her only protective barrier, which is her skin, and is in a “fragile state”. Despite her burnt conditions, Hebe shared that Selina is still going strong and endearingly called her “my heroine” and “angel.”
Selina suffered third degree burns on over 30% of her body and is still admitted in the hospital’s intensive care unit.
Appearing more composed in a backstage interview with the media, Hebe revealed that Selina is now able to speak and take in small amounts of food.
She also commented that Selina is still in pain despite being on painkillers, “The surface areas of the burns are just too big. It’s uncomfortable and she has to be consistently on painkillers. But the painkillers can’t alleviate her suffering and I hope that everyone can support her.”
Despite the pain and suffering, Hebe reassures that Selina is still very optimistic.
“Since the first day I saw her when the accident happened, she has been very optimistic. She also told us not to worry for her.”
Talking about the various adversities encountered by her fellow band mates, Hebe says that Selina is fighting an obstacle now.
“There may be setbacks but we are not afraid. We will always have confidence to continue walking on.”
Feeling particularly poignant at mention of Selina’s current state, Hebe feels that this incident has taught her the importance of “living for the moment as accidents can happen anytime.”
With her emotions still in a state of flux at the award ceremony, she confessed that it feels “rather complicated” when she has to go out for work assignments now.
The concerned singer said, “it’s as if I left my heart in Taipei” and has plans to call home immediately after the award ceremony to check on Selina’s condition.
Dressed in a simple black dress adorned with tassels, the 27-year-old artiste who recently released her solo debut album declared that she felt “very honoured to be a member of S.H.E” onstage at the 16th Singapore Hit Awards 2010.
Thanking everyone for the support when she received S.H.E’s Most Popular Group award, she reminisced about their early days and the hardships they underwent together. Tears started to form in her eyes at the mention of Selina, who was involved in a filming accident eight days ago.
“We have encountered hardships but we have walked through them, especially during this critical period. Selina, my fellow sister is now in the hospital. People grow from adversity and we will definitely walk through this.”
Choked with emotion and tears, Hebe mentioned that Selina has lost her only protective barrier, which is her skin, and is in a “fragile state”. Despite her burnt conditions, Hebe shared that Selina is still going strong and endearingly called her “my heroine” and “angel.”
Selina suffered third degree burns on over 30% of her body and is still admitted in the hospital’s intensive care unit.
Appearing more composed in a backstage interview with the media, Hebe revealed that Selina is now able to speak and take in small amounts of food.
She also commented that Selina is still in pain despite being on painkillers, “The surface areas of the burns are just too big. It’s uncomfortable and she has to be consistently on painkillers. But the painkillers can’t alleviate her suffering and I hope that everyone can support her.”
Despite the pain and suffering, Hebe reassures that Selina is still very optimistic.
“Since the first day I saw her when the accident happened, she has been very optimistic. She also told us not to worry for her.”
Talking about the various adversities encountered by her fellow band mates, Hebe says that Selina is fighting an obstacle now.
“There may be setbacks but we are not afraid. We will always have confidence to continue walking on.”
Feeling particularly poignant at mention of Selina’s current state, Hebe feels that this incident has taught her the importance of “living for the moment as accidents can happen anytime.”
With her emotions still in a state of flux at the award ceremony, she confessed that it feels “rather complicated” when she has to go out for work assignments now.
The concerned singer said, “it’s as if I left my heart in Taipei” and has plans to call home immediately after the award ceremony to check on Selina’s condition.
J-pop group Perfume confirmed for 2010 MAMA
Japanese female electropop group, Perfume, has been confirmed for the upcoming 2010 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA).
After AKB48’s participation last year, Perfume was chosen to be Japan’s representative at this year’s MAMA. On their official website, they left messages for their fans to expect a great performance from the trio.
Held on November 28th, we are just 3 weeks away from the ‘2010 MAMA’ in Macau – the first time that the awards ceremony is being hosted overseas.
source: allkpop
Selina Ren’s condition worsened
Selina Jen’s condition has worsened since the filming accident which left her with burns on over 50% of her body 10 days ago.
Medical staff revealed that Selina, who turned 29 yesterday, had blood constantly oozing out of her wounds. She was also running a fever last Thursday and on her birthday.
More than six portions of her body, including her limbs and back, suffered third degree burns. Her face is still swollen. It was reported that it will take at least a year for Selina to recover fully. Even then, she might have trouble walking after that.
Her doctor suggested that visitations should be stopped temporarily. Besides Selina’s immediate family and fiancé, no visitors are allowed. Fellow S.H.E members Hebe and Ella who had initially planned to visit their friend on her birthday had to call off the celebration due to her worsened condition.
Selina’s father, who’s affectionately known as “Father Jen” explained in an interview that his daughter’s condition was not very stable at the moment. He said Selina remains strong and determined.
Her fiancé Richard Chang, finally broke down in tears seeing Selina in pain.
Having been by her side throughout the whole ordeal, he wrote a statement describing what Selina was going through.
“I’ve agreed with her not to talk or think about the accident or the pain. She had been so positive and brave, reminding herself to exercise her vocal cords and muscles despite the pain. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she’d ask for more morphine. She’d cry and shiver as the morphine took effect. Every day she faces her pain with such great strength.”
He added with a birthday wish for her, “Dear wife, the journey may be grueling but you will make it through. Happy Birthday and may you be reborn from fire!”
Serba-serbi -- Refreshing
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Benci x benci = suka
Suka + suka = cinta
Cinta - suka = pudar
Cinta : 2 = selingkuh
Selingkuh 2x = ketahuan
Ketahuan 2x = putus
Putus 1x = ST12 (Cari Pacar Lagi)
Waktu mau sms kamu, hatiku jadi deg2an.
Gak tau napa. Akhirnya aku beranikan tuk
ungkapkan bahwa selama ini
aku sayang banget ma PULSAKU
Eh, Ntar Kalau kita naik sepeda, kamu pegangan aku ya..
Aku takut banget kalau kamu jatuh,
karena kalau kamu jatuh, nanti aku disangka..
Buang sampah sembarangan!
Mungkin ni sms aq yg trakhir…Maaf atas smua kesalahanku…Setiap pertemuan pst da perpisahan…Do’ain aq biar aq d bri keberhasilan,kekuatan&slalu dlm lindungannya…Aq pgn crita byk…Tp aq ykn km gk bklan percaya…Ukirlah aq slalu dlm hti…Sbg shbt…Slamat tinggal…Aq hrs prg k malaysia bsk…Tuk
Membantu Upin& Ipin nyari hrta krun…
Pada suatu hari, percakapan telpon di sebuah rumah :
Telpon ke-1
Penelpon : Hallo…! Apakah ini kediaman Luna Maya?
Pembantu Rumah: Salah sambung…, ini kediaman
keluarga Cut Tari
Telpon ke- 2
Penelpon: Hallo!! Apakah ini kediaman Luna Maya??
Pembantu Rumah: Eh.. salah sambung, goblok!!… ini kediaman keluarga Cut Tari
Telpon ke-3:
Penelpon: Halloooo….
Pembantu Rumah: Eeeh.. Lagi2 kamu!!.. Awas ya!! saya walau cuma pelayan,
tapi bisa lapor polisi…
Penelpon: Apakah ini kediaman keluarga Cut Tari??
Pembantu Rumah: Aduuuh.. maaf2 yaaa…, tadi soalnya ada beberapa kali
salah sambung. Mau cari siapa tuan.??
Penelpon: Luna Maya….
Pembantu Rumah: ??!!@#@$!!
Telpon ke-4
Penelpon: Halloooo…..
Pembantu Rumah: Kurang ajaaar..!!! Kamu nyawanya berapa hah!!!
Penelpon: Saya Cut Tari…..
Pembantu Rumah: Aduh..!!! Maaf majikan! sorry sekali, tadi ada orang gila telpon! ada perintah apa Nyonya.??
Penelpon: Segera panggil Luna Mayaa!!
Pembantu Rumah : Hah..!…. (semaput)
Telpon ke-5
Penelpon (suara beda): Hallooooo….. (suara berbeda dibanding telpon2 terdahulu)
Pembantu Rumah: (Oh ini suaranya lain…). Mau cari siapa Nyonya..??
Penelpon (suara beda): Ini kediaman keluarga CutTari??
Pembantu Rumah: Iya betul….
Penelpon (suara beda): Saya Luna Maya… , Apakan tadi ada orang cari saya???
Pembantu Rumah : ??@#$%^??… Gubraaaag!!…. (kejang2)

When i see baby, i remember 'TEDDY BEAR DOLL'. When i see a
little girl, i remember 'BARBIE DOLL'. But when i see u, i remember
jIka rindu,
mIzz me..
jika TiDuR,
dreaM oF me..
JIka sedih,
Meet Me
jiKe beTE,
cAll mE
jIkA laper
rebuz iNdomIe
suatu hari cinta dan sahabat jalan-jalan di desa. tiba tiba cinta jatuh kedalam telanga.
mengapa? karena cinta itu buta.
lalu sahabat pun ikut terjun kedalam telaga.
kenapa? karena sahabat akan berbuat apapun untuk cinta.
lalu di dalam telaga cinta menghilang.
mengapa? karena cinta itu halus, mudah sekali hilang jika tidak dijaga. dan akan sulit dicari.
sedangkan sahabat masih terus mencari dan menunggu cinta.
kenapa? karena sahabat itu sejati dan tidak akan meninggalkan mu begitu saja sebagai sahabat yang setia
untuk itu, hargai dan sayangilah sahabatmu selagi dia masih ada.
sesuatu akan terasa sangat berharga ketika ia hilang.

Semoga gag tidur bacanya wkwkkw
Benci x benci = suka
Suka + suka = cinta
Cinta - suka = pudar
Cinta : 2 = selingkuh
Selingkuh 2x = ketahuan
Ketahuan 2x = putus
Putus 1x = ST12 (Cari Pacar Lagi)
Waktu mau sms kamu, hatiku jadi deg2an.
Gak tau napa. Akhirnya aku beranikan tuk
ungkapkan bahwa selama ini
aku sayang banget ma PULSAKU
Eh, Ntar Kalau kita naik sepeda, kamu pegangan aku ya..
Aku takut banget kalau kamu jatuh,
karena kalau kamu jatuh, nanti aku disangka..
Buang sampah sembarangan!
Mungkin ni sms aq yg trakhir…Maaf atas smua kesalahanku…Setiap pertemuan pst da perpisahan…Do’ain aq biar aq d bri keberhasilan,kekuatan&slalu dlm lindungannya…Aq pgn crita byk…Tp aq ykn km gk bklan percaya…Ukirlah aq slalu dlm hti…Sbg shbt…Slamat tinggal…Aq hrs prg k malaysia bsk…Tuk
Membantu Upin& Ipin nyari hrta krun…
Pada suatu hari, percakapan telpon di sebuah rumah :
Telpon ke-1
Penelpon : Hallo…! Apakah ini kediaman Luna Maya?
Pembantu Rumah: Salah sambung…, ini kediaman
keluarga Cut Tari
Telpon ke- 2
Penelpon: Hallo!! Apakah ini kediaman Luna Maya??
Pembantu Rumah: Eh.. salah sambung, goblok!!… ini kediaman keluarga Cut Tari
Telpon ke-3:
Penelpon: Halloooo….
Pembantu Rumah: Eeeh.. Lagi2 kamu!!.. Awas ya!! saya walau cuma pelayan,
tapi bisa lapor polisi…
Penelpon: Apakah ini kediaman keluarga Cut Tari??
Pembantu Rumah: Aduuuh.. maaf2 yaaa…, tadi soalnya ada beberapa kali
salah sambung. Mau cari siapa tuan.??
Penelpon: Luna Maya….
Pembantu Rumah: ??!!@#@$!!
Telpon ke-4
Penelpon: Halloooo…..
Pembantu Rumah: Kurang ajaaar..!!! Kamu nyawanya berapa hah!!!
Penelpon: Saya Cut Tari…..
Pembantu Rumah: Aduh..!!! Maaf majikan! sorry sekali, tadi ada orang gila telpon! ada perintah apa Nyonya.??
Penelpon: Segera panggil Luna Mayaa!!
Pembantu Rumah : Hah..!…. (semaput)
Telpon ke-5
Penelpon (suara beda): Hallooooo….. (suara berbeda dibanding telpon2 terdahulu)
Pembantu Rumah: (Oh ini suaranya lain…). Mau cari siapa Nyonya..??
Penelpon (suara beda): Ini kediaman keluarga CutTari??
Pembantu Rumah: Iya betul….
Penelpon (suara beda): Saya Luna Maya… , Apakan tadi ada orang cari saya???
Pembantu Rumah : ??@#$%^??… Gubraaaag!!…. (kejang2)
When i see baby, i remember 'TEDDY BEAR DOLL'. When i see a
little girl, i remember 'BARBIE DOLL'. But when i see u, i remember
jIka rindu,
mIzz me..
jika TiDuR,
dreaM oF me..
JIka sedih,
Meet Me
jiKe beTE,
cAll mE
jIkA laper
rebuz iNdomIe
suatu hari cinta dan sahabat jalan-jalan di desa. tiba tiba cinta jatuh kedalam telanga.
mengapa? karena cinta itu buta.
lalu sahabat pun ikut terjun kedalam telaga.
kenapa? karena sahabat akan berbuat apapun untuk cinta.
lalu di dalam telaga cinta menghilang.
mengapa? karena cinta itu halus, mudah sekali hilang jika tidak dijaga. dan akan sulit dicari.
sedangkan sahabat masih terus mencari dan menunggu cinta.
kenapa? karena sahabat itu sejati dan tidak akan meninggalkan mu begitu saja sebagai sahabat yang setia
untuk itu, hargai dan sayangilah sahabatmu selagi dia masih ada.
sesuatu akan terasa sangat berharga ketika ia hilang.